This is not meant to be a holier-than-thou blog, or blog to flaunt expertise, or a blog to brag (except for when I want to talk about when we did something awesomely or how freakin' cute Cheyenne is!)
Horses have literally been a part of my life since birth. For a multitude of reasons that I'm sure many other equestrians are familiar with, I never had the opportunity to have a horse of my own. Despite the amount of time I spent glued to the barn, or reading my grandfather's horse care books, I missed out on some experiences that can only truly come as a result of horse ownership.
So while I consider myself knowledgable and informed, I knew that I still had a lot of ground to cover. It's not exactly the most comfortable position to be in, and it's very hard to find resources that aren't patronizing. Some resources think you're a moron and aren't afraid to tell you loudly instead of offering suggestions (lookin' at you, most of the internet!)
I decided to chronicle my horse ownership as a newbie owner so that other people who are substantially informed about horses, but are still new to owning, can come and learn from whatever shenanigans I get myself into. Keeping track of farrier visits and deworming... figuring out when to call the vet... awkwardly asking people who know the answers. That's what I do, and that's what I talk about here.
I also reflect on the really stunningly beautiful experience of forming a working bond with a horse. I like to approach things like this in a very holistic and sometimes spiritual manner.
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